Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all! I'm so sorry for the delay in updating my Christmas post; my internet was offline for days. We did survive, though it was a close thing.
My most important update is about my Santa's Angels, who helped to give children in foster care a happy holiday. With the donations made by all of my beautiful readers and friends, matched by our benefactress, one hundred children benefited. That's the first miracle, just the first! In the end, the generous gifts didn't help only one hundred children, but it benefited almost three hundred children; the exact total is 288 children! I started this quest, knowing I would have some folks who could help but never expected this level of generosity.
Most chose to click on the link in my blog rather than on the Facebook donation, which is just fine! The depth of my gratitude and love for all that found a way to help kids in need is incalculable. Two little words that mean so much when sincerely spoken is all I can give...thank you. Thank you for the tears of joy and appreciation I shed and the headache that followed. Wear your wings proudly, angels; you've earned them.
My Christmas gift to my readers will be uploaded by Christmas Eve. It's a magical story for the entire family. I always recommend parents take a quick look first to make sure it doesn't have any content they oppose. We're all different, which makes this world so grand.
For all that celebrate a memorable holiday, I hope you find peace, love, and joy on your day. You know, the word hero gets tossed around so much that it's lost the true meaning.
Take a look in the mirror and admit you were a hero if you helped someone during this holiday season or this challenging year. It doesn't have to be my charity, but whichever you support.
Sending love, virtual hugs, and the thanks of 288 children!